HOTlink Internet

Category Colocation Data Centers
Company Name Hotlink Internet
Company E-Mail Not specified
Company Phone Number (81) 3229.6785
Meta-Description Host your servers in our Data Center and reduce operating costs. We offer customized solutions for your business growth.
Address Rua Manoel Bezerra, 165
Recife 50610250

Office space No
Rack Cabinets Yes
Dedicated Servers Yes
Suites Yes
Footprints No
Virtual Servers Yes
Cages No
Individual servers Yes
Remote Hands Yes
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PROEN Internet IDC

PROEN Internet IDC

Thailand Bangrak - Thailand
» Colocation Data Centers

Price: On demand

Company Name: PROEN Corp

no Office space
yes Rack Cabinets
yes Dedicated Servers
yes Suites
no Footprints
yes Virtual Servers
yes Cages
yes Remote Hands
yes Hosting of individual servers

PROEN Internet IDC provides communication services from entry level through to gigabit broadband networks which cover ev...
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Submission Date - Jul 07, 2022
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