Privacy Policy

Information collected from members on this site, such as email addresses, is never sold or otherwise redistributed to any third parties. Tracking of user activity on our website is only for internal purposes in order to provide you with the best possible experience.

Optional information such as location, interests, occupation etc is displayed in member profiles for all to see. If you don't wish such information to be public, do not provide it.

We use first party cookies for a variety of purposes. These purposes include keeping you logged in, showing you what you've previously viewed, remembering which page you were just on so you can be redirected back to it, and remembering your timezone. Also remembering your screen resolution, whether you've registered before, which boxes you've closed, whether you've closed the cookie privacy notice, and various other selected preferences. We also use local storage for a few things like saving listings when someone doesn't have an account. None of this will track your identity across websites or tie your real world identity to your account here.

Who we are




Embedded content from other websites

Who we share your data with

How long we retain your data

What rights you have over your data

Where we send your data

Social Login or Register

If you don't agree to the use of these cookies, please do not use the website.