
Category Hosting Companies
Company Name DotRoll
Company E-Mail
Company Phone Number +36 - 1 - 432 - 3232
Meta-Description DotRoll hosting plans are based on the needs of our customers. From basic to gigantic, you will surely find the plan that suits your needs.
Address Fogarasi út 3-5
Budapest 1148

VAT VAT exc.
Shared Price From: $1.66
VPS Price From: $7.15
Email Hosting Price From: $6.50
Reseller Price From: $21.70
Free Hosting Yes
Free Domain No
Free Dedicated IP Address 1-IPv6
Free Reseller No
Hosting Types

Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, Email Hosting, Reseller Hosting

Money Back Guarantee No
Live Chat Yes
Hosting Data Center Hungary
Domain Registration Yes
Web Server Apache
Website Migration No
Operating Systems Linux OS
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Submission Date - Jul 25, 2022
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